Kurayami Monogatari

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ANGERME – Bibitaru Ichigeki/Uwasa no Narushii/THANK YOU, HELLO GOOD BYE June 11, 2024

Filed under: S/mileage — solarblade @ 2:59 pm


Track Listing

  1. Bibitaru Ichigeki
  2. Uwasa no Narushii
  4. Bibitaru Ichigeki (Instrumental)
  5. Uwasa no Narushii (Instrumental)
  6. THANK YOU, HELLO GOOD BYE (Instrumental)

1. Bibitaru Ichigeki

Well, It wasn’t surprising that ANGERME would kick the single off with a cool EDM song with Bibitaru Ichigeki.  I really am liking the fact I hear a lot of the members especially some of the newer members and Rin H. and Hana and Yukiho.  I wasn’t expecting a post-chorus rap section before hitting the 2nd verse which sounded totally different from the rest of the song.  Kind of a typical cool H!P song, but I think the group handled it pretty well and it’s kind of catchy.

2. Uwasa no Narushii

I think of the single though, Uwasa no Narushii might be the kind of experimental track for ANGERME as it’s more of a mid-tempo pop jam here.  I’m getting a bit of a K-pop vibe out of this one which is kind of pleasant and I kind of like the vibes and the members all sound really sweet (despite the layering covering them heavily).  It does kind of drag on towards the end, but I can say this was alright.


As this is Rikako’s graduation single, she does have a song about her and makes sense to hear Rikako all over the song.  Sadly, this song fits under the blah sentimental pop/rock sound that H!P LOVES to use for their graduates which is such a boring backdrop for a song.  I am a little surprised the chorus is really all unison but I just cannot get myself into this one…

ANGERME is a bit slow and starting their 2024 don’t you think?  Well I mean we’re here now with Rikako (the last of 3rd Gen) graduating and it’s kind of an interesting feel to it especially since the last of 2nd Gen (Takechan, left last year).  This single is fine, but nothing too noteworthy.  Bibitaru Ichigeki and Uwasa no Narushii are decent songs, but I would choose Bibitaru over the other A-side.  THANK YOU, HELLO GOOD BYE is your typical graduation slog which I can’t be bothered with (why can’t they make it more interesting like they did with Juice=Juice’s “Brilliance of memories?”….Meh…


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