Kurayami Monogatari

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NAOYA URATA feat. ayumi hamasaki – Dream ON December 22, 2010

Filed under: Naoya Urata — solarblade @ 12:36 am

Track Listing

  1. Dream ON
  2. Dream ON (BROKEN HAZE remix)
  3. Dream ON (Instrumental)

1. Dream ON

Being as it is Urata’s first single, collaboration and A-side, Dream ON is surprisingly good for him and even better getting Ayu to join in the song since it’s the first time she’s done something for another artist.  I was a little worried because both singers have rather unique vocals amongst the avex artists and yet together they sound really good together.  Of course Ayu is utilizing this new vocal style that we’ve seen a little bit on her most recent album.  The song is actually not bad and somewhat catchy and is consistent for Urata since it’s like a lot of the material found on “TURN OVER”.

2. Dream ON (BROKEN HAZE remix)

As for the single’s remix, Dream ON feels a little more synth-based than the original so it has much of an interesting sound when compared to.  To me it’s not a big deal to listen to, but it makes an interesting song a little more funky and it’s different in a good way. 

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been so long since Urata released anything and as it his first single, Dream ON isn’t totally a terrible song and it’s an interesting collaborative effort with Ayu.  While I hope Urata won’t let this be his only release for another two years, Dream ON is pretty nifty and the remix is alright…


Naoya Urata – TURN OVER January 28, 2009

Filed under: Naoya Urata — solarblade @ 3:52 pm
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Track Listing

  1. Intro
  3. Baby Bang! feat. SPHERE
  4. I think I’m in love
  5. Ecstasy feat. YUKALI
  6. Too Late
  8. voice of mind
  9. anything about sex
  10. Starting all over
  11. Like a tatoo
  12. White Lie

1. Intro

Your typical opening track.  It starts with a low robotic voice and some trumpet blares.  It’s quite funny cause it clashes xD.  It finishes after a minute passes by so its there, welcome to the album.


We start with a pretty chill R&B track as well being the title track and all we finally get to hear Urata’s voice.  He’s got a pretty cool voice, I must admit and it has like a soulful propertie that I just really enjoy.  The music doesn’t change much out of the arrangement, but it’s shows off Urata’s classy side.  He also has a good voice when it isn’t in the higher register or being distorted lol.

2. Baby Bang! feat. SPHERE

I think my jaw dropped at how kickass and sex-filled this song was.  I  mean Urata is still doing the high register singing to the point, where the lyrics aren’t exactly decipherable.  I have to say this song has great energy and definitly a great choice to have it be the promotional track.  SPHERE though does rub off wrong on me, but c’mon let’s stare at Urata’s hotness ^_^

4. I think I’m in love

We get to hear Urata’s English skills and he has a grasp on it.  Though the song is pretty much a R&B ballad track, it’s quite smooth and flows at a good pace.  Urata is also singing in a more comfortable position and it’s just so nice. 

5. Ecstasy feat. YUKALI

If you thought Baby Bang! was naughty, then this song 1-ups it in every way.  I know Urata is singing in a way deeper tone than usual and YUKALI is singing as a response to his singing.  I mean they talk about touching and such, I was like dirrrty.  YUKALI at the beginning is just lulzy though.  The music is pretty secretive and fits the mood. 

6. Too Late

A lot of harmonizing happens in our next slow R&B track.  The song does have somewhat of an arrangement mess, but it’s a nice soft-spoken track and Urata shows off some emotion.  I have to say he fits in these kind of songs because of that voice of his.


Jeeze, HOT LIKE FIRE does sound like American Rap, which right there is a big no-no.  Then again it sounds like a circus sound.  Urata’s voice is filtered at the verse, but where we get into the bridge he loses it and then the song gets all hot.  ~Let’s get it on!~.  Tell me that isn’t suggestive.  It’s not bad, but is a little forgettable.

8. voice of mind

We finally get a true ballad.  It’s quite really calm and hearing Urata tackle a ballad sounds really nice.  He does have some small slipups in notes, but he really give a smooth and nice performance.  The piano and light R&B moments gave the song some great moments. 

9. anything about sex

You think this’d be a hardcore sex song right?  Well it’s light R&B and even has some soul implemented.  His voice sounds right with this song and even though the song is the love version of sex, it’s really simple and I think it hits a good spot with me. 

10. Starting all over

I didn’t think this track would be heavy on the beats.  There are definitly some golden Urata moments here.  It isn’t as mind-blowing as “Baby Bang!”, but it’s definitly has some awesome moments, especially his ad-libbing was hot.  It’s definitly another strong song altogether though.

11. Like a tatoo

It’s weird that they spelled it with one “t” so I think it was a mistake on their part, unless it was meant to be.  I think it’s got a lot more going on than the last track. It also sounds a lot more complete.  Urata seems to have hit gold here as well because of how cool the synth is and how Urata’s voice is treated with the song.  There’s traces of acoustic guitar, which added more to the song.  Definitly a favorite of mine.

12. White lie

Descending synth notes begin our final track, which is an interesting hot mess honestly.  I mean it was a little difficult to pinpoint the chorus and the music was spastic .  I mean it’s good to hum along and dance to, but I kind got a little lost in the track. 

Tracks Recommended

  •  Baby Bang! feat. SPHERE
  • Like a tatoo
  • voice of mind
  • Starting all over

Song of Avoidance

  • White lie

Urata, you so sexii…(wait, did I say that?)  Anyways, if AAA were to split, Urata will definitly be the one to continue as a solo artist because this album is definitly of high-quality work.  His whole American R&B style songs are a nice change to J-pop and even a few are danceable.  It’ll be awesome to see where he goes in the future but right now this album is *RECOMMENDED*