Kurayami Monogatari

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lecca – ZOOLANDER December 15, 2012

Filed under: lecca — solarblade @ 5:13 am


Track Listing

  1. Landing on the Zoo
  2. Golden Lion
  3. Sunshine
  4. Kirakira
  5. TODAY
  6. Clown Love
  7. Guiding Star feat. CIMBA
  8. Scenario
  9. Gomen ne!
  10. get on
  11. Shishi Funjin
  12. parakeets
  13. Tabidachi no Toki

1. Landing on the Zoo

For a strange title, it’s a really cool way to open the album with a storm and then lecca coming with some ad-libbing.  Her unique vocals give the song some interesting levels to be honest and I like that grows into this tribal/dance arrangement and lecca actually starts to sing.  Then it transitions perfectly into the next track.

2. Golden Lion

It’s great that it kind of kept some of the tribal-ish sound from the opening track since it makes this song such a great track to listen to.  lecca sounds really good in this setting and the whole dancehall/electro mix is quite amazing and it just came together for a great track overall!  Definitely a great way to kick the album into gear!

3. Sunshine

It seems like we kind of get a similar track out of Sunshine, but it sounds a lot more summer-friendly and the synth beats are sounding a little like a Komuro track but it gives lecca more room to do some interesting vocal aerials.  It’s a fun and bright song even though lecca sounds a little muffled in her lyrics (which isn’t a new worry, but still one nonetheless).

4. Kirakira

At first, I kind of thought Kirakira would’ve been a ballad considering how it opens up, but it tricks me and turns into another “Sunshine” because it has that similar happy and bright nature about it, but it seems like this song takes its time to grow into something energetic and fun.  I still consider “Sunshine” the better song, but this isn’t a bad track.


I think we finally calm down a little bit with TODAY as it’s a bit slower and more of a mid-tempo.  I kind of enjoy the slower track with the heavier beats so TODAY worked.  Though after the previous tracks, this is a bit safer of a song and a little simpler arrangement-wise.  Still it’s nice and it has lecca’s odd pronunciations, but I can’t go to say it was terrible..just ok…

6. Clown Love

So lecca follows up with another ballad with Clown Love (funny title aside), the song to me is a lot better of a ballad than “TODAY” was because it has some interesting clinks and clangs about that mde the song sound a bit more playful but also has a serious drive.  It’s a really interesting song and it’s probably one of the best ballads she’s done in recent times!

7. Guiding Star feat. CIMBA

As the only featuring track on the album, Guiding Star, was an interesting song bit as the third ballad in a row it is starting to slightly bother me.  I have to say that CIMBA was the song’s shining moments in the song because he’s got the clearer voice and he sounds perfect with the arrangement while lecca was just being herself so it really was kind of a divide.  I partially enjoy it, but like “TODAY””, it’s unimpressive really.

8. Scenario

At least it seems that Scenario is trying to get things back up to speed.  I feel like this song sounds like a mix of “Kirakira” and “Sunshine” because it’s danceable track, but it’s happy and poppy in nature.  I kind of like the track even if lecca is hardly understandable (especially in the chorus). 

9. Gomen ne!

Lord, the next song on the album is like lecca’s winter track, but it’s also sickingly cute which fuses into this weird song that would’ve benefitted from not having the winter bells…it’s just kind of is somewhat uncharacteristic and a bit of a sore thumb to an album.  There’s just something oddly charming and alluring about it though…>.>

10. get on

I feel like lecca brought it for the next track, get on (or as how she says it ~geeertoooo~.  Yeah, it’s a bit absurd, but the song sounds really cool and she’s doing a little bit rapping (I think) against this really cool urban beat.  It’s a pretty badass track though and I love lecca’s sound here.

11. Shishi Funjin

Moving onto our next track, Shishi Funjin is also quite something from lecca, including those drum rolls and cool clanking going on.  It just has this aggressive momentum about it that really caught my eyes.  It’s a fun track to listen to and the edge lecca has just makes me happy here!

12. parakeets

I wouldn’t think parakeets would be the song that sounds like traditional Japanese music 0.o.  For being a mid-tempo (almost a ballad) is really nice and lecca does have a nice tone to her voice.  It’s a mysterious song, but I kind of like that about this track…relaxing and cool!

13. Tabidachi no Toki

Ending the album, Tabidachi no Toki kind of reminds me of “Bokutachi no Sekai” from her last album (actually it felt like that track was split into “parakeets” and this track).  That being said, for being a ballad, the song is rather calming and just smooth of a song.  A pretty good way to end the album I’d say.

Tracks Recommended

  • Landing on the Zoo / Golden Lion
  • Shishi Funjin
  • Clown Love
  • get on
  • parakeets

Song of Avoidance


There’s been a couple of artists that have released two albums in one year this year and luckily lecca managed to release two great albums this year.  ZOOLANDER is slightly better than “Step One” in the way that it’s a lot smoother and the tracklist doesn’t sound messy really.  Even the songs were mostly better, though still some of lecca’s pronunciations are kind of off…but we can’t help that…Still a pretty great release!


lecca – Step One January 25, 2012

Filed under: lecca — solarblade @ 7:24 am

Track Listing

  1. Jammin’ the Empire
  2. HI-TEN feat. ILMARI & SU
  3. Familia!
  4. Right Direction
  5. Shissou Mother
  7. Yaru Naraba
  8. missing Ordinary
  10. Dolce
  11. Dreaming of you feat. EMI MARIA
  12. get ur morning
  13. gift
  14. Bokutachi no Sekai
  15. Saisei

1. Jammin’ the Empire

Kicking off the album, Jammin’ the Empire was one of two promotional songs from the album and I thought this actually started things off on a good note even if the intro was a little long.  Once lecca joins in, the tune moves into a dance-quality song.  Of course lecca has unique vocals though so it’s something to get used to if you’re getting into her in the first place.  It’s still pretty solid of a song and a great way to kick things off.

2. HI-TEN feat. ILMARI & SU

Working with ILMARI & SU from RIP SLYME, HI-TEN is kind of continuing on this very electro/dance style but I’m liking the energy from this song since it brought two rather enthusiastic MCs into the game to mix it up.  Though I have to say that I enjoyed lecca the most out of this collaboration but it’s not to say the guys didn’t do bad.  Once again, such good movement in the song, I have to say!

3. Familia!

During the era, there were two digital singles and this would be the first of em actually.  Once again a lot of synths are found in this song but it isn’t as beat driven actually which is a little surprise but a good move after “HI-TEN”.  Actually, it kind of has this celebratory sound which is a new direction and it’s something I really enjoy.  It’s just fun and has a great atmosphere to it…I’m kind of liking this!

4. Right Direction

Unfortunately, the album comes to a halt with the only physical release in the era.  I’m still not a huge fan of this song even though it does stand out early in the album for being more of a slower song for her.  Sadly, it was overshadowed by its B-sides and now overpowered by the album tracks.  Plus, I still can’t help but chuckle hearing lecca pronounce the title lol.

5. Shissou Mother

Then it gets WEIRD with Shissou Mother.  The song is definitely more absurd and unusual than it is applicable to a listener.  The music is VERY kiddy-like with some odd instrument and stuff that sounds more preferred to iono….Minimoni perhaps?  Add in cries from a baby and it sort of starts to make sense to me…but at the same time it’s just very WTF for me and kind of bizarre but she sounds good though and she sings/raps fast here hahah…I just don’t know if I can take this song seriously.


At least she gets grounded when ONE WORD comes on which has a nice little island theme to it with steel drums being included.  It’s one of the feelgood songs to listen to and it’s simple but really relaxing to listen to.  Though once again her English is kind of laughable…~wahhh waaard~?  I just can’t with that…

7. Yaru Naraba

Electric guitars opening Yaru Naraba?  I guess it must be a sign.  To me, Yaru Naraba kind of reminds me of “Familia!” with the upbeat dance style but it’s just as good IMO.  I kind of liked this song actually, it was just all kinds of catchyness.  Maybe as good as “Familia!” though they are a bit similar huh?

8. missing Ordinary

At least I knew what lecca said in the intro XD.  I’m surprised also at how simple this one sounds since it’s just R&B but with easy beats.  At first it did seem to be a tad boring but after the halfway mark it gets so much better with synths and a lot better of a melody added to the rather minimal sound it has.  It’s alright but I wish it didn’t take that long to get to the parts.


Luckily she didn’t forget her main style and INFORMER is a great reggaeton track and she sounds like she’s having a blast with this one.  As the other promotional song, she chose a winner because it has everything that I kind of wanted and it did slightly end the happier songs (even if it’s for one song).  Loving this!

10. Dolce

Oh, I guess it isn’t just one song, Dolce might not be a fierce as “INFORMER” but this song is also upbeat and definitely for clubs hahah.  I will say though that it lacks something that doesn’t stick to me like other lighter songs like “Jammin’ the Empire” did…I think it might be a rather simple dance track to me…

11. Dreaming of you feat. EMI MARIA

Pan flutes opening one of lecca’s songs?  That’s all kind of random for me hahah.  It’s easy to tell who’s who because lecca has the deeper vocals while EMI has the higher girlier pitch.  Still there’s not a lot of her until in the second verse but she kind of reminds me of Kanayan oddly enough.  After a while, I do notice the march style becoming more prominent…it’s an interesting song no doubt…I think I liked this collaboration more than “HI-TEN”.

12. get ur morning

If there was one song that was just a little too long for itself, it was definitely this one!  As it’s another ballad on the album it’s a bit more slower than “Right Direction” was but it was godawful long for me and just felt a little bland to me.  It’s probably my least favorite of the album.

13. gift

As we get near the end of the album, we get into the other digital single released in the era.  It follows in the same vein as “get ur morning” but this was more interesting and had a bit more movement (plus lecca’s vocals are so much better here).  Though of the previous released stuff, I’m not liking this much either but at least it’s a step up above the previous track. 

14. Bokutachi no Sekai

Oooo, I’m really liking the intro to Bokutachi no Sekai a lot.  It sounds like background music to a traditional Japanese movie or something.  It has kids talking shortly before lecca ad-libs and beats are added in.  I could say this can be considered a ballad, but it’s a little more upbeat than that, but I’m really loving the song.  Not full of bells and whistles, just keeps it at a solid level…not like the boring level “get ur morning” was though.

15. Saisei

Closing the album out, Saisei is another ballad which is kind of disappointing to me but this is one of those uplifting ones by sound which is a little different from the others but it doesn’t drive the problem of being too long away.  It’s just as long as “get ur morning” which is all kinds of not-so-good opinions in my mind.  It makes for an appropriate ending…but otherwise…I can’t remember this song very well.

Tracks Recommended

  • Dreaming of you feat. EMI MARIA
  • Familia!
  • Bokutachi no Sekai
  • Jammin’ the Empire

Song of Avoidance

  • get ur morning

At first, I was actually blown away by Step One since it had tons more solid songs than “Power Butterfly” did which is a good thing…that is until we got into the final stretch where lecca piled the ballads/slower songs at the end which kind of made the album a bit of blur.  However if she had simply rearranged the tracklist around that wouldn’t have been as bad as a problem.  The rest of the album though is great and people should take a listen to this album…though I will warn ya…unique vocals!


lecca – Right Direction December 12, 2011

Filed under: lecca — solarblade @ 11:29 am

Track Listing

  1. Right Direction
  2. Hinkou Housei
  3. Aniki.

1. Right Direction

Kicking off the single with the A-side of course, Right Direction is kind of unusual for lecca since it’s more of an R&B ballad which I’m not used to from her since she usually sticks with reggaeton or latin music.  Not gonna lie, I’m still trying to get used to lecca’s unique vocals and the way she says ~right direction~ is quite abrasive to me.  I will say that it’s not my kind of song and I still think her last era had better A-sides.

2. Hinkou Housei

Then I’m just surprised that lecca made this the B-side because it seriously the best song off the single.  It’s hard to really explain it’s sound very well but it’s got synths for sure and a slightly darker feel to it when compared as well.  I’m also quite liking lecca’s voice here a lot more than in “Right Direction” which is odd but good nonetheless. 

3. Aniki.

The other B-side on the single is a bit more of what I was kind of expecting from lecca since it’s styled as a Reggae song.  She sounds pretty comfortable singing here and the song is pretty nice to listen to despite how simple and the song sounds.  It’s safe but pretty good otherwise.




As the only single representing the “Step One” album, Right Direction is a little disappointing but that’s because of the A-side.  It just didn’t really suit her very well and her vocals kind of hindered the song.  Luckily both B-sides made up for that.  One being a little aggressive and the other being nice but sticking to her sound.  I’m curious to how the album will turn out now.


lecca – Hakobune ~ballads in me~ March 9, 2011

Filed under: lecca — solarblade @ 10:37 am

Track Listing

  1. Mata Itsuka
  3. credit
  4. past is
  5. First Sight feat. Daichi Miura
  6. Hakobune

1. Mata Itsuka

lecca and ballads seem pretty strange since we all know lecca’s vocals are quite unique in the J-pop world.  As it was the era’s first digital single, Mata Itsuka opens things on a nice note with a cute melody and marching riffs in the song.  However, lecca’s vocals aren’t really for these slower songs since she likes to use her vocals to give a weird twang like her saying mata itsuka comes off more as ~mater itsukeeeeeer~  it’s gonna take a while to get used to that for sure, but she sounds good in majority of the song.  It’s alright, but has some oddities.


Yeah, ballad mini-album my ass, ELDORADO is definitely not what I’d call a ballad at all.  It’s definitely something I would’ve expected on “Power Butterfly” because of the whole reggaeton kind of sound that’s in the song.  I actually even admire this song because it’s upbeat, catchy and just fun overall and lecca sounds like she’s having fun as well.  Though the random fiddle solo was a bit out of place I must say.  Still, amazing song!

3. credit

As the second digital single released, slowed down again and is probably the closest thing to a ballad we’ll get here.  I like the more acoustic sound we get from the song since it feels like someone’s walking through the streets.  lecca sounds nice still, but there’s something about her vocals that don’t seem to connect to more slower songs.  Maybe it’s just me…iono.

4. past is

Going back to something that’s a little more catchy, past is is slightly more up-tempo than “credit”, but it’s still considered more of a slower song.  Combining the beats with some underlying electric guitars gives things an interesting twist for sure and the piano going up and down through the entire song is nice as well.  lecca once again sounds nice and this time around her vocals actually fit here…but it’s still kind of needs a boost of tempo, I think.

5. First Sight feat. Daichi Miura

Hey, another collaboration featuring the natural beauty, Daichi Miura?  He sure is getting around a lot these days huh?  Then again, whenever I see his name, I immediately think that the song is going to be danceable and oddly enough First Sight is pretty upbeat…maybe not to the degree of “ELDORADO” but enough.  I do think lecca overpowers Daichi whenever the chorus is playing, but their solo parts in the song are great!  I think I like this song a lot right now.

6. Hakobune

As the final and title song, Hakobune starts off with some bongos before it turns into a more lighter version of “credit”.  It’s the kind of song you’d expect to hear on a sunny day and I kind of enjoy it a little bit.  Otherwise, it’s a nice closer, but I don’t remember it like some of the other songs.

3rd mini-album, Hakobune seems like more of an extension of what “Power Butterfly” showed us and while I liked it there were a few problems, mostly with getting used to lecca’s vocals again.  The other thing is…if this was supposed to be a ballad project…they really kind of didn’t get the memo that it should be slow hahaha.  The faster the songs, the better IMO here…


lecca – Power Butterfly August 10, 2010

Filed under: lecca — solarblade @ 8:52 am

Track Listing

  1. Butterfly Effect
  2. Chikara
  3. Gambling
  4. My measure
  5. TARGET feat. SHAGGY
  6. TV Star
  7. Hataraku♀no Ko
  8. Toshirou Ufutari
  9. Mirai Camera
  10. too BAD, too FAKE
  11. Love Majic feat. LUNA, TSUGUMI from SOULHEAD & JAMOSA
  12. Akashi
  13. Kimi no Todoke
  14. Snow Crystals
  15. TSUBOMI feat. Kusuo
  16. okay & be alright
  17. Copy Robot

1. Butterfly Effect

Being the opening intro to the album, Butterfly Effect really opens to the whole mood of the album and it’s exciting.  As short as it is, it makes you wanna get up and shake your ass since it’s so dancehall-ish and lecca ad-libbing across the song adds some ethnicity to things.  I’m a little bummed that it’s really short and cuts off quite too soon.

2. Chikara

I kind of was disappointed that Chikara didn’t carry “Butterfly Effect” over into the song.  I do like the Caribbean flow of the song since it’s pretty much dance beats mixed with an acoustic flair.  Now lecca’s voice keeps switching between a nice style and her nasal style which can create riffs in the song, but I thought this tune was exciting enough for me to enjoy.

3. Gambling

Going into our next song, Gambling is more of a reggaeton type of song which she usually excels at and for the most part she did fine for herself, but the arrangement kind of gets annoying.  I mean there’s some parts that sound cool and the chorus does fix things up, but the arrangement is just one-dimensional and with how fast lecca was singing, I was lost most of the time.

4. My measure

We get into our first A-side of the era next and I don’t know why but the rock additions to the song seemed to be so out of her style, but luckily it wasn’t the focus of the song because lecca got to sing more out and even though she chose her nasal style, it’s not that bad of a song.  Not the best A-side, but still pretty good.


Oh god, if it wasn’t already known that lecca had a unique voice, they had her to collaborate wih SHAGGY who also has a unique voice and that means there’s so much weirdness in the song.  Though it’s great to know that his part is an English, but I’m feeling that it should’ve been more like “TARGET feat. lecca” since she has less lines than he does.  I’ll admit that I love the reggaeton + electro arrangement going on here.  Unique little tune on the album here.

6. TV Star

LOL, the opening for TV Star makes me laugh everytime I hear it.  It’s both lecca’s opening line and the conversation right after the opening.  I really don’t know how to classify this song because the synths are sounding darker and there’s blips all over the song to make it a little electronic.  She does pull a same-noter song which does bore me a bit, but the arrangement is just that good haha.  ~I wanna be a TV ster~ 

7. Hataraku♀no Ko

I can actually be sure that this song purely reggae and for the most part it’s true to its roots and I liked quite a bit.  Some parts her voice gets auto-tuned, but for the most part she’s natural and more exciting than she was in “TV Star”.  Not that bad here.

8. Toshirou Ufutari

Slowing further down for another Reggae song.  This one sounds a bit more traditional to the style than the last song.  Problem for me though here is that the song is a little forgetful because of the speed of he song.  lecca though sings quite nicely in here so that’s probably the songs saving grace, but these kind of slow songs kind of put me to sleep.  I’ll admit the usage of saxophone was pretty dandy (especially at the end where it just solos til it finishes).

9. Mirai Camera

Of the new songs off the album, Mirai Camera is probably my favorite because it’s like reggaeton/electro but more focused on the synths available.  lecca’s vocals sound great even better with some BKGD vocals to support her as well.  I wonder if Taku had something to do with this because it sounds like his synths here…Still I was impressed with this song A LOT!

10. too BAD, too FAKE

So breaking away from the stuff we’re used to from lecca, too BAD, too FAKE seems to be a nod to Western music with a lecca twist.  I mean from her side you hear bongos playing along to some actual instrtuments like guitars and drums and bass.  It’s a collision course, but lecca did what she could with the song and I commend her for trying at least.

11. Love Majic feat. LUNA, TSUGUMI from SOULHEAD, & JAMOSA

Are we having a “Lady Marmalade” moment here?  Problem here is that I’ve never heard LUNA’s or JAMOSA’s vocals before and I couldn’t tell who’s who in SOULHEAD (and I’m just going on through the collab they did with Kuu).  I’m gonna take a guess and say that lecca opens the song up and introduces the people that’s with her.  I think LUNA is the younger sounding girl in the song and she’s got a pretty voice that could eventually see some light here.  TSUGUMI I think might be the rapper in the song which fits since SOULHEAD would’ve fit more.  JAMOSA has a higher voice as well, but she sounds pitchy in her parts, like Kuu! (I can only blame her tits on that one).  It’s an interesting collaboration nonetheless and I can hope that there’s many more of these kind of collabs in the future.  Though what lecca did at the end with the growling was kind of…0.o

12. Akashi

After such a hefty song with “Love Majic”, it was nice to just go back to lecca by herself and the arrangement is a bit different.  It’s like “My measure”, but without the guitars present.  Just some upbeat synths and lecca goodness.  It’s a bit of a lightweight compared to most of the song off the album, but it’s not too bad.

13. Kimi ni Todoke

Are we into the R&B-styled tune off the album?  Kimi ni Todoke takes a chill pill and I’m happy we get some other interesting instruments like strings and acoustic guitar.  It might not be a lot to many people, but it’s a great change of pace on the album and it worked for me.  lecca just sounds pretty.  The only thing I disliked was how sudden that ending came…just kind up randomly popped up…

14. Snow Crystals

YAY!, this totally deserved to be on this album because it’s so damn catchy of a song and more or less being a “wintry” track it caught my eye quite quickly.  Being a mid-tempo reggaeton tune, I was moving to the beat and it’s nice, though I guess since it doesn’t change anywhere in the song, but w/e it’s catchy, I love it, and I’m happy to see it here.

15. TSUBOMI feat. Kusuo

Wow we’re at the third collaboration and the primary A-side off her second single of the era, TSUBOMI goes back to a more R&B-styled feel and with Kusuo being the only male singing in Japanese and it’s a little different.  lecca is still odd singing with a stronger singer like Kusuo, but it’s nice.  It might be least favorite of the A-sides, but it’s not that bad of a song.

16. okay & be alright

Is it that strange to hear marimba and acoustic guitar opening our next song.  I don’t know why but this song kind of just bothers me a little bit since it’s just a lot of weird instrumentation and not enough substance going on to make it stick to me like her other songs.  Even her vocals kind of were meh in this song.

17. Copy Robot

Ending off this rather long album, Copy Robot was something I wasn’t expecting.  I was thinking it was going to be immensely electronic and not this string-based, guitar used song.  It’s pretty good as a final track, but there’s something missing to this song though.  It’s a bit like “My measure” in a way, but I don’t know…just something off…

Tracks Recommended

  • Snow Crystals
  • Mirai Camera
  • Kimi ni Todoke
  • My measure
  • Love Majic feat. LUNA, TSUGUMI from SOULHEAD & JAMOSA

Song of Avoidance

  • okay & be alright

This being my first lecca album, I actually liked it for the most part.  She really let loose in the first half of the album and that was its strongest point I think.  It was only after Love Majic that lecca started to slip up, but it was also when she started moving away from the reggaeton stuff.  Maybe she can spread the songs out better so that it won’t come off as sudden when moods begin to change, but otherwise I liked Power Butterfly!


lecca – TSUBOMI feat. Kusuo/Snow Crystals July 29, 2010

Filed under: lecca — solarblade @ 1:52 am

Track Listing

  1. TSUBOMI feat. Kusuo
  2. Snow Crystals
  3. Neko Shitantan
  4. Deliver Man

1. TSUBOMI feat. Kusuo

I actually thought the beginning of TSUBOMI sounded pretty cool with those sitar notes that were placed there.  It’s a bit more R&B-like rather than “My measure” but I think otherwise it’s a good song from lecca.  Now about her collaboration with Kusuo, he has a normal tone to his voice so clearly most people will admit that he sounds better.  Together it seems like lecca wants to overpower him, but they sometimes sound good when they are together so that should tell you something.

2. Snow Crystals

I much preferred the other A-side of the era for sure.  As we get back into her dancehall style, Snow Crystals might be the winter song from lecca, but I’m happy I can dance to this song.  It’s a bit slower than I would’ve thought but I think it might’ve been the PV that made me think it was faster.  Definitely the best A-side this era had to offer.

3. Neko Shitantan

I’m not sure how to describe the first B-side since it’s like 90’s pop and that was muffled a bit before lecca does her calling and synths come in and turns into a reggaeton song with synths involved and I loved this quite a bit.  However, just like her last B-side “Hyaki Hime Yakou” it suffers from same note bewilderedness.  At least the arrangement is keeping it afloat and makes me wanna move my hips.

4. Deliver Man

As for the other B-side, it’s a bit more down to earth than her other songs.  It could be the fact that it’s in the reggae side of things and less instruments plus lecca’s vocals is better in my opinion.  I think it should’ve been an A-side but whatever I’m not lecca. 



I do think that TSUBOMI/Snow Crystals is a huge step-up from “My measure” since all the songs have strong arrangements and aren’t as boring as I thought it’d be coming from a winter single.  All four songs sound so different from each other and lecca is straightenting her voice out, but it still sound original which is good. 


lecca – My measure

Filed under: lecca — solarblade @ 1:24 am

Track Listing

  1. My measure
  2. Hyaki Hime Yakou
  3. somebody else’s guy

1. My measure

To me, getting into lecca has been a strange road of course.  Yes, there’s not a lot of artists that is styled into reggae/dancehall/pop like lecca.  Now what makes me pay attention to lecca is her vocals because they’re so one of a kind because they sound rather deep (and some cases manly), but I think that’s what makes her original and it sounds different from what I’m used to.  Now My measure isn’t what you call into the style, but it’s more towards regular ole pop and it’s catchy once you get used to lecca’s vocals.  Might take a while to grow but it’s worth a listen.

2. Hyaki Hime Yakou

Getting into some dancehall for the B-side, Hyaki Hime Yakou has a pretty cool beat and arrangement going for it and for the first time I’m hearing lecca singing at a fast pace against some repeated strings and heavy dance beats.  I could not follow what the girl was saying but I was kind of disappointed that she stayed on two notes for most of the song, so it became mundane to listen to after a while. 

3. somebody else’s guy

I can never understand why she sang a song about this since it sounds a little selfish.  Now since the song is more towards an R&B kind of sound, somebody else’s guy actually sounds really good vocally since she pulls off her deep vocals quite nicely.  It’s also the chillest song off the single as well so it took off the things that would’ve otherwise take the good feelings out!



Since this is the first single released for the “Power Butterfly” era, I think lecca did a pretty good job.  I’ll admit that her voice is one of those ones where you have to get used to before actually enjoying it, but I think it’s a good single.  Well, Hyaki Hime Yakou is kind of bleh, but yeah My measure and somebody else’s guy are good songs.