Kurayami Monogatari

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2NE1 – I LOVE YOU September 20, 2012

Filed under: 2NE1 — solarblade @ 11:44 am

Track Listing



First off, I LOVE YOU is another one of those Japanese self-covers of their Korean releases which is a little surprising after showing up with “SCREAM” and all that.  Not many were too enthusiastic with the song because it really wasn’t them and didn’t have the edge or force to make it rise like their big songs.  To me though, I kind of like the sultry atmosphere and the mysterious flow, especially whenever Minzy sings because she was just oozing sex appeal in the tune.  Bom sung too as well as Dara but neither of them really stuck out and CL was doing her rap shtick.  As for the Japanese, not bad…I think it sounds clear, but then again as vague as the song is…it’s not really hard to mess it up XD. 



I think my biggest disappointment from this single is the fact that it’s empty as hell, I would’ve figured they’d tagged the Korean version as well like more Korean groups have done in the past but NOPE, it’s just the A-side and the instrumental this time around.  I konw they’re hella busy with their American stuff and etc. but damn, this single couldve used a lot more substance than what we got (even if the song isn’t half bad).


2NE1 – SCREAM March 29, 2012

Filed under: 2NE1 — solarblade @ 5:23 am

Track Listing

  2. FIRE
  5. SCREAM (m-flo Remix)


Ahhhh their first original Japanese song and I couldn’t be anymore happier with it.  SCREAM is definitely true to the girls with great raps from CL and Minzy.  Plus add in Dara and Bom’s singing and you get another great mixture of personalities that have made them as huge as they are.  I think my favorite would be the hook with the ~scream ah-ah-ah-ah~ parts…I thought it was clever and handled easily too xD.  Great song!


I consider this 2NE1’s debut even though in literal, “Lollipop” was the debut but that was a collaboration IMO so it doesn’t count in my mind.  FIRE was the first song I heard from the group and loved it a lot and continues to be one of my favorite songs from them.  Now we’re dealing with it’s Japanese form and to be honest, I prefer the Korean more because it does flow better and has less of a jerkier stance than this version. 

3. SCREAM (m-flo Remix)

This is a nice surprise to see a remix on the single (more or less from Taku (who is currently butthurt)).  For this 7 minute remix we have here, for the most part I was kind of enjoying this one even though the chorus and the hooks really take advantage of the arrangement while the verses are kind of sloppy and doesn’t fit well the music at hand.  Though the biggest offense is VERBAL.  He just took the song and ran it into the ground.  I mean his rap just didn’t work and the whole dubstep background was stupid (Taku get off that shit plz!).  Otherwise everything else was good…just needs some cleaning!



While I’m not going to review “COLLECTION”, I did want to review the single that came out simultaneously with it!  I have to say their first song originally sung in Japanese was awesome!  SCREAM is classy and has the normal hooks that makes most of 2NE1’s works SOOOO GOOD in the first place (though I still prefer “I AM THE BEST”).  The remix for SCREAM is terrible for what it is, but there’s some nagging flaws that makes it a little less than good.  As for the new version of FIRE…it’s not great but they tried and it’s not terrible, just better in Korean lol.  Overall a good single and definitely was better than their first single by a long shot!


2NE1 – GO AWAY November 17, 2011

Filed under: 2NE1 — solarblade @ 5:05 am

Track Listing

  1. GO AWAY


As the group’s first Japanese single, I wasn’t surprised that they’d choose one of their Korean songs to debut with and to be honest, I wished it was “Fire” or “Try To Follow Me”.  GO AWAY for me just kind of doesn’t do much for me since there’s a crazy amount of auto-tune used and the chorus is full of CL and Dara.  I do like their Japanese for the most part but after “NOLZA”, this was pretty disappointing.


The B-side is also a Japanese version of their Korean tune “Apa”.  Unlike the faster-paced “GO AWAY”, IT HURTS is more toned down and laidback with this light reggae/R&B sound which shows off all four vocalists in a much brighter light and they all sing pretty decent (with a strong hold on the language).  It’s good, but I wish the arrangement moved more than it did.  Still, a bit better than “GO AWAY”.



Considering this single was supposed to be released way back in March/April but was postponed because of the Tohoku Earthquake, GO AWAY’s release feels absurdly random and especially so after “NOLZA” which had a better production value TBH.  I guess for their first single they kind of chose not-so-good songs I think.  I mean “Fire” and “Try To Follow Me” were much better and shocked they didn’t go with that in the first place.  Hopefully their next single is original…


2NE1 – NOLZA September 21, 2011

Filed under: 2NE1 — solarblade @ 12:49 am

Track Listing

  2. UGLY


I’m loving the fact that 2NE1 is moving to the JPN market fully and it starts strong with I AM THE BEST (which is like the other songs on the mini, are merely language covers of their Korean stuff from “2NE1 2nd Mini Album”).  I really love this version more than the original because it flows better and of course the new English lines sound so much cooler as well.  Since all four members have their own parts and each of them sounds like they have the right amount of attitude…minus Dara…she kind of didn’t fit this one.  Still, as a fan of “Fire”, and “Try To Follow Me”…this is pretty damn awesome!


I was kind of surprised at the lyrical content for UGLY for some reason.  Unlike the aggressive K-pop flavor of “I AM THE BEST” this was more relaxed but still able to be used to dance along with.  I think I was surprised at the chorus because electric guitars are utilized and since the chorus is all in English it surprised me a lot.  I didn’t expect such a song to come from them when this was released on their Korean mini and seeing it updated for their JPN debut was actually nice if not better also!


Take “UGLY” and make it even more of a ballad and we get LONELY, however unlike the last two songs this sounds pretty awkward in Japanese for some reason.  At least the chorus tries to make up for that and it sounds really pretty since it’s Bom for the most part.  However it is was my least favorite from the Korean mini and continues to be that way here for most of the same reasons.  It’s very repetitive and now it’s repetitive and sounds awkward.


Likewise, HATE YOU in Japanese sounds off for me.  I just got more of a better attitude from the original for some reason.  I will say that Minzy and Bom in the verses sound really good and with Dara taking the bridge and CL taking the chorus it’s a great song and of course the whole ~i hate you, ehhh ehhhhh eh eh, I’m fine living without you~ is the hottest part of the song.  I still prefer the Korean version though.


Closing the mini, DON’T STOP THE MUSIC ends the way it began and that’s with an easy dance track.  However, I’ve noticed the crazy amount of auto-tune used here and I’m kind of put off by it.  I mean does Minzy really need that…she’s a good of a singer without it for sure.  I do like the song a bit and the language switcheroo isn’t totally bad but there’s something about it that never really caught my attention.



2NE1’s reign of terror begins I guess starting with NOLZA and I must say while this is just a Japanese rendition mini of their Korean mini-album (sans Bom’s solo track) this isn’t totally bad but it’s still pretty lazy of a release.  Besides I AM THE BEST, UGLY, and DON’T STOP THE MUSIC the other songs just didn’t sound right being sung in a different language but I like the three I listed.  At least they’re coming out with a physical single next ^_^ hopes for an original track!