Kurayami Monogatari

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sphere – Future Stream June 3, 2009

Filed under: sphere — solarblade @ 6:56 am
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Track Listing

  1. Future Stream
  2. Treasures!!
  3. Future Stream (instrumental)
  4. Treasures!! (instrumental)

1. Future Stream

Honestly, Future Stream reminds me of Nami Tamaki’s “Realize” at the starts with the flurry of synth usage.  Now a tidbit is the the entire group is filled with seiyuus which by now you should know I hate the use of those kind of vocals in the song.  The girls sound alright when they are harmonizing, but someone just sounds terrible when doing their solo parts.  She’s got such a squeaky voice that I cringe during her part.  Musically it’s not that special, but I guess it has its quirks about it.  Give me awhile with them lol.

2. Treasures!!

The B-side is a bit like “Future Stream” containing the same problems as well.  The music is a but more rock-oriented which is a plus, but at the same time the vocalists sound like some other H!P group (Buono!).  I guess the whole idol thing works in this case because it is so energetic and the after chorus was pretty sweet.  Good B-side!



I know it’s a bit early to really make a full-on opinion, but sphere might actually turn out better than I initially planned them out to be.  I mean yes, they are 4 seiyuus mashed in one group, and Haruka Tomatsu had to be one of em’….Future Stream is actually above average, but I want them to do something more risky with there music.  Here’s hoping that happens with the 2nd single.