Kurayami Monogatari

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Koda Kumi – POP DIVA January 29, 2011

Filed under: Koda Kumi — solarblade @ 9:42 pm

Track Listing

  2. Black Candy
  3. POP DIVA (Instrumental)
  4. Black Candy (Instrumental)


While it hasn’t been a long time since we’ve seen slutty Kuu last “Lollipop” being the last track to, POP DIVA is quite dark, but I think it’s pretty fitting for some odd reason.  I’m also with the group that says the song is a bit like that one song, “Like A G6” because of the verses arrangement.  Though when Kuu start to yell for the chorus it feels different and refreshing, but she’s yelling x.x  It might be a messy song, but in a way it’s kind of edgy and cool at the same time…I’m on the fence for POP DIVA.

2. Black Candy

I didn’t think the entire single was going to be hot and steamy.  While it doesn’t have the edge factor “POP DIVA” had, it focuses more on the sexual flow and it really captures my attention.  I love the beats here and while the electric guitar is present but not like “Ningyo-hime” and “Can We Go Back”…To be honest. I can see this as a song that people would love to hear on tours since it has that pump your fist kind of feeling to it….Sweet!

Ending the “Dejavu” era, POP DIVA was kind of a much needed single.  I mean “Gossip Candy” was pretty good but felt like it was maybe a little meh and strange that neither Inside or Outside made the cut.  Then we had that whole ballad blahfest with “Suki de, Suki de, Suki de./Anata Dake ga” and now POP DIVA brought back….well like the title shows duh!  It’s wild and relentless and I’m happy that both A & B-side are equally as good….I have hope for the album!