Kurayami Monogatari

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SID – Rain June 2, 2010

Filed under: SID — solarblade @ 12:34 am

Track Listing

  1. Rain
  2. cut
  3. chapter 1 (Live from “Ichiban Suki na Basho 2010”)

1. Rain

I actually like Rain from SID.  While I haven’t heard anything from the band before this song, Rain definitely impressed me because it’s well a rock ballad that’s tied in with FMA.  While I’ve heard people and the band themselves say they aren’t visual-kei, it’s kind of hard not to put them in the category but still this song is pretty awesome.  Mao’s vocals are kind of higher pitched than normal v-kei artists so I guess that’s one reason it’s better.  Still it’s a good track!

2. cut

The B-side of the single is obviously a lot more of rock n’ roll from the group and it has a very pounding guitar riff going through with Mao singing a bit more louder and more emotionally here as well.  This sounds more like an anime opening than “Rain”, but this actually came out pretty well also.

3. chapter 1 (Live from “Ichiban Suki na Basho 2010”)

Ending off the single is a live version of the band’s 7th single.  Then again chapter 1 was in their indies days and it’s pretty nice they could bring it back up on this single.  I’m surprised the band still sounds really good when they’re live as well.  I think Mao sounds amazing in the song and since the song is more melodic that I thought it would, I ended up liking this quite alot.



SID’s 3rd single of the era is pretty cool.  I liked all three songs and shows me that this band is pretty epic when making mid-tempo songs.  I can only imagine what the other two single I have to review are like!