Kurayami Monogatari

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VAMPS – DEVIL SIDE June 21, 2010

Filed under: VAMPS — solarblade @ 3:53 am

Track Listing



I think there’s too much awesomeness that can happen when you let HYDE loose.  Yes, I’ve known of HYDE in the days when Lariku was amazingly huge (they still are…), but I mean the days when “SMILE” was charting like crazy and their FF and FMA tie-ins were ruling the charts as well.  Anyways on the flipside…I only knew of KAZ because of Spin Aqua and that was pretty amazing too.  Getting the two together to form VAMPS might have been a blessing in disguise.  While I haven’t trailed back to their debut era, DEVIL SIDE might be the most darkest, angriest and almost sexiest song I’ve heard in a long time coming from a J-rock group.  I’ve noticed HYDE sounds so much better than I remembered last.  The almost pissy mood coming from HYDE just adds the eccentric slap across everyones head like he’s not kidding.  It’s just that good!  Might be THE best J-rock tune of the year so far for me.


I’m surprised the attitude in LIVE WIRE is rather lighter and more upbeat than “DEVIL SIDE”.  Though, HYDE is growling a bit more strongly here which is nice to hear that he can still pull that off.  By the way, both tracks are in English so no JPN for y’all thinking this was going to be actual J-rock.  LIVE WIRE isn’t too bad, but pales in comparison to the A-side.



VAMPS begins the “BEAST” era with…well a beast of an A-side with DEVIL SIDE.  I’ve missed the passion of J-rock and with this song…it totally rocked socks off.  I doubt there’ll be anything this hardcore and amazing to surpass this so with that…I’m happy.  LIVE WIRE is alright but nothing like the A-side, but I’m alright with that ^_^