Kurayami Monogatari

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BREAKERZ – GO September 25, 2011

Filed under: BREAKERZ — solarblade @ 8:42 pm

Track Listing

  1. GO
  2. Gekijou
  3. Tsukiyo no Itazura no Mahou (GO Version)
  6. Present
  7. Zettai! I LOVE YOU
  8. Smile 100%
  9. Sabishii Gari ya
  12. Hoshi no Tabibito
  13. Orange Iro no Sora
  14. Destruction

1. GO

Oh, I found it funny that BREAKERZ would begin their album with piano playing a cute melody before the band comes in.  I kind of like this track already because it mixes BREAKERZ’ style and strings/piano to make this kind of happy tune but has a bit of serious tweak to it.  DAIGO sounds pretty damn good not gonna lie either.  I’d say this is a great way to begin an album!

2. Gekijou

So the first A-side released in the era, Gekijou is one of the hardest songs I’ve heard since listening to BREAKERZ but I liked this change because it brings out much more energy than I would’ve thought.  I love DAIGO is channeling his inner T.M.R. for this one XD.  Like I said before, it feels so short…but it’s 3:44…it’s kind of a weird feeling…I guess it’s because I liked it!

3. Tsukiyo no Itazura no Mahou (GO Version)

A lot of the tracks back on “FIGHTERZ” were changed a little bit (meaning the A-sides).  On GO, there was only one track that has been edited and it’s the part of 3rd single.  I immediately took notice that the opening has been changed quite a bit (and the song is a little longer).  I must say that the new opening was really pretty and I get a much stronger feel in the instrumentation.  I’d say it made the song better ^_^.


I wasn’t sure what to expect in the new songs for the album, but so far I’m impressed and I think CHANGE THE WORLD might be my favorite of the new tunes.  It’s powerful, loud, and in your face and it does remind me of “GRAND FINALE” which is always a good thing.  Still, it’s one of the album’s strongest tunes!


Which is unfortunate because on the single review I said the same thing with the secondary A-side off their 3rd single of the era.  I will continue to say that I’m not very fond of it because while it has strings added to make a slight difference, it is still kind of typical compared what the trio has released in the era otherwise.  It’s not the worst but close enough IMO.

6. Present

After all those electric guitar-based tunes, we get Present which is a bit of the album’s sore thumb here because it’s mainly acoustics and light pop.  I like how fluffy and soft the song comes off and DAIGO does a pretty good job keeping his vocals from being much.  It’s different, but did it have to be in between “CLIMBER×CLIMBER” and “Zettai! I LOVE YOU”? 

7. Zettai! I LOVE YOU

Yeah, this continues to be my least favorite A-side of the era.  I don’t know why but this song didn’t work with poor DAIGO and everything didn’t connect and that chorus was just a mess for me.  I really don’t know why they had to make a song that was just all over messy…it doesn’t add up…

8. Smile 100%

After that, I was happy to have a happy song come next and Smile 100% is definitely a track that’ll leave you smiling.  It’s really strange though that in the song, there’s a lot of chanting and the other members actually have their own solo lines but DAIGO is still leading this.  I’m a little surprised that a song like this would be on the album (given the fact there’s so many serious songs).  Pretty interesting song though XD

9. Samishii Gari ya

I guess it was made to slide into this song a little better.  Samishii Gari ya is another acoustic tune and it’s pretty odd actually.  First off, DAIGO is under some kind of filter and there’s this rush of this percussion thing.  While the chorus opens up to electric guitars and such.  It’s a little strange, but it does make it stand out which is great to be honest.  Nice tune, but a little weird with the filter.


Out of the A-side I reviewed, I could barely remember what BUNNY LOVE sounded like (given this was the primary A-side off the second single of the era).  Then I start listening to it and already I’m shocked I forgot this song because on GO, this actually has a lot of synths compared to the other songs.  I love the mysterious glow of the songs verses and then exploding in the chorus with DAIGO.  I can’t believe I forget how this one turned out…


It could be possibly be because of the fact that “Tsukiyo no Itazura no Mahou” and this song came after which made me forget things.  LAST†PRAY is just friggin amazing and I wonder why they chose to go towards a gothic-rock route with this one because I seriously felt this was their best A-side in the era.  It’s dark, dramatic, and just feels right.  It’s definitely ranked up there in favorites from this band along with “BAMBINO” and “LOVE FIGHTER ~Koi no Battle~”.

12. Hoshi no Tabibito

After the excitement of the last two tracks, it comes to me that the rest of the album is new songs.  Hoshi no Tabibito is another one of those songs that don’t fit into the normal BREAKERZ mold, but I felt that I enjoyed this quite a bit even though it’s more mid-tempo of a song.  Synth-strings are definitely one of the main components of the song and as bad as that sounds…it isn’t.  It works in a strange way XD.  Not my favorite, but it’s passable!

13. Orange Iro no Sora

Yeah, Orange Iro no Sora is also coming off as a little strange for me, but since it is slower than “Hoshi no Tabibito”, I must say that it moves nicely I guess.  The mood of the song is more laidback and pleasant than anything else but kind of strong in its own merits I think.  I’m a little surprised that I heard harmonica in this song…I’m not sure what to make of this one, but it’s not an offensive tune.

14. Destruction

Funny how an energetic and fast-paced song makes for the final track of the album.  I was seriously surprised to see one of these again and I was strongly disappointed with the other uber fast song in “Zettai! I LOVE YOU”.  Destruction is very destructive and has an edge the other songs don’t have.  I’m not too big of a fan of this one either but I think it’s the filters and DAIGO’s pronunciation of the title that bothers me…and it’s said A LOT in this song.

Tracks Recommended

  • Tsukiyo no Itazura no Mahou (GO Version)
  • GO

Song of Avoidance

  • Zettai! I LOVE YOU

First off, GO is definitely BREAKERZ’ strongest album to date!  There was only really two or three songs that didn’t impress me (two of them were previous released anyway) but I have to say this was a much more colorful album from the trio and each song really did bring something new to the table (even the meh ones).  Definitely another album contending for best of the year ^_^ *RECOMMENDED*