Kurayami Monogatari

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T.M.Revolution – FLAGS June 22, 2011

Filed under: T.M.Revolution — solarblade @ 6:29 pm

Track Listing

  1. FLAGS
  2. The party must go on


I’m not surprised that Sengoku BASARA’s anime got both the opening and ending themes by T.M.R since it’s not new to either guys at this point.  I actually like FLAGS since it goes back to an awesome synth/guitar style that made songs like “Naked arms” and “INVOKE” so amazing.  I really do love the song since it’s fast and Takanori gives a strong vocal performance.  After the slight disappointment in “CLOUD NINE”, this was nice to hear.

2. The party must go on

Since the B-side is the ending theme, The party must go on is an interesting song because it feels like a track they’d release in the older days, but at the same time it feels modern like what T.M.R. sounds like today.  I love Takanori’s energy and the way he’s singing the track is great, but it definitely feels more like B-side material.



A single so soon after his album?  I think we’re being spoiled here now.  FLAGS is a great A-side for sure and I wonder why it wasn’t on the album.  At least it starts a new one.  The party must go on needs time to get used to because it feels dated and such, but it’s not bad.


2 Responses to “T.M.Revolution – FLAGS”

  1. keyinjpop Says:

    FLAGS is a good track and did you notices the sound of flags in the song? The party… is just as good as FLAGS in my opinion and the shouts were something different from the usual. Hope the next single isn’t too far off.

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