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SPYAIR – Rockin’ the World September 27, 2011

Filed under: SPYAIR — solarblade @ 7:33 am

Track Listing

  1. Rockin’ the World
  2. Japanication
  3. Samurai Heart (Some Like It Hot!!)
  6. LIAR
  7. Stay together
  8. Beautiful
  9. I miss you
  10. Last Moment
  11. SINGING (album mix)
  12. My Friend

1. Rockin’ the World

As a short introduction to their album, Rockin’ the World does a good job showing what the album is all about.  I love Ike’s strong yells of the title in the beginning before UZ (their guitaris) enters the song with more force.  It’s a nice and explosive intro for sure and leads into the next song quite nicely.

2. Japanication

Since this is the oldest song on the album (yeah I know it’s the band’s 3rd single, but it was also their 2nd indies A-side so that’s why I say it’s the oldest on the album).  I’m not surprised that it still is one of their shortest songs (shortest on this album actually, only two seconds shorter than “STRONG” actually).  It’s still pretty damn powerful and quite electryfying of a song with its aggressive hooks and loud vocals from Ike.

3. Samurai Heart (Some Like It Hot!!)

As this was my first SPYAIR song, Samurai Heart still leaves me in a good mood whenever I listen to this because unlike their other A-sides, this is more fun and light-hearted.  It’s pretty funny that there’s kids chanting the title at the beginning and such.  It still stands as one of my favorite songs from the group so that’s pretty awesome right?!?


As the band’s fifth A-side released, BEAUTIFUL DAYS ties with “LIAR” as least favorite of the era.  I’m not sure why but when bands like this pull off more of the slower rock tunes the energy and/or interest dies off and it shows quite prominently in this tune.  Ike doesn’t seem into the song as he was in the previous two either.  Yeah, just not into this one much.


After three previously released tunes, it’s nice to get into one new track with STRONG which I said earlier is two seconds longer than “Japanication” so it’s pretty damn short lol.  I’m happy they came back to a really hard song like this for some reason.  They really can tackle tracks that have a edgier arrangement since the band fits better as well.  Ike’s energy is also back so it’s a positive thing and hearing synths in and out of the song is also awesome!  Short but awesomes!


Which leads to the band’s first A-side when they switched to SONY.  I do think that of the A-sides released, LIAR was pretty basic rock music and it surprised me that the other singles (including “BEAUTIFUL DAYS”) brought something quite exciting and fresh to the table.  I mean if it wasn’t for Ike’s unique vocals…I would’ve called this an easy UVER song, or FLOW, or any anime-rock band.

7. Stay together

Three new tracks come next starting with Stay together which is mostly light like “BEAUTIFUL DAYS” but not as bland here.  I like the acoustic tune quite nicely and while Ike takes a little while to get used to his vocals since they sound aggressive still lol.  It does feel short though which is kind of weird but ok.  It kind of just flies by for me.

8. Beautiful

Another song with *beautiful* in its title?  I think this song is definitely something the band hasn’t fully tackled yet and I kind of like this style of rock for some reason.  It shows Enzel a bit more than the previous songs that’s for sure.  It’s what if they did “BEAUTIFUL DAYS” a LOT better.  Yeah, I do like this song a bit lol.

9. I miss you

Now this I can say is a rock ballad from SPYAIR because there’s strings and piano all over its arrangement mixed in with the members of the band.  Now I can say that Ike actually calmed his vocals down which is a great thing.  It’s a lot stronger than their first try earlier in the album that’s for sure. 

10. Last Moment

Second A-side released and it still reigns as my favorite of the era!  It actually moved from the softness from “I miss you” into the aggressive and electro-based tune.  Ike’s vocals once again fits the style perfectly and hearing Enzel doing a bit more once again makes me smile lol.  Hey, this is what the bands need is more catchy arrangements and more ~na nas~ LOL.  Yeah, best song off the album I think.

11. SINGING (album mix)

I’m surprised they brought SINGING from the “LIAR” single to the album and I actually don’t really notice the changes here actually.  Besides that it sounds clearer and the guitars do provide a little more sound as well.  Even the guitar solo sounds amazing now.  I guess the change was needed because everything sounds a lot nicer from it.  It’s definitely a nice change and surprisingly still is one of my favorite B-sides from the group.

12. My Friend

Gotta love the fact that Ike started the song off in acappella before the band slowly comes in to join him at the beginning.  Even the sounds of nature was an interesting throw in before the *boom boom clap* rhythm of the song kicks up.  I can totally see this performed in concert with the crowd going along with the beats.  This is definitely my style of song and it closes the song in a fun and rockin’ way!

Tracks Recommended

  • Last Moment
  • SINGING (album mix)
  • Japanication
  • Beautiful

Song of Avoidance


Since this isn’t SPYAIR first album, but is their first major album, Rockin’ the World was pretty damn impressive for a group that really shoved to the side because of their easy to figure out music.  SPYAIR is more like perfecting the genre along with ONE OK ROCK.  I think they can be quite popular if they continue to release songs because they have something good with Ike’s gritty vocals the overall rock feel and Enzel’s DJ-ing-synth stuff goin.  Maybe a little more experimentation in the field would do them good I think!  Still very solid album!


6 Responses to “SPYAIR – Rockin’ the World”

  1. Blade Says:

    Wait. You DON’T recommend Samurai Heart?

  2. Blade Says:

    ohhhh! Yeah it’s a pretty good album I agree. I think the fact they rank pretty high on Oricon is a sign. Now let’s hope Rookiez release an album already as well

    • CJay Says:

      Wow I thought I was the only one who associated SPYAIR and Rookiez together for some reason.

      • solarblade Says:

        I totally forgot bout ROOKiEZ…yeah those three for sure…it’s like the fans are going towards these rock bands nowadays…it’s great recognition for all three (plus any others riding the wave lol)

  3. dechan Says:

    beautiful days is not that bad. i would say that it was a nice song, one of my fav. i think the power of that song was on the lyric, like what they used to say, beautiful days really shows how hard they have work etc.. we could see on their live performances, the way ike perform this song live was really really sincere. but it is up to our personal taste ^^

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