Kurayami Monogatari

Would love a comment every so often <<

Aimer – Re:pray/Sabishikute Nemurenai Yoru wa December 17, 2011

Filed under: Aimer — solarblade @ 1:39 pm

Track Listing

  1. Re:pray
  2. Sabishikute Nemurenai Yoru wa
  3. Poker Face

1. Re:pray

I find that Re:pray is a pretty ballad from Aimer and a lot more memorable of a song when compared to “Rokutosei no Yoru” but not so much past “Kanashimi wa Aurora ni”.  Though I have to admit this song is a bit more of the same old same from her.  Strings and piano with little other knick-knacks here.  It’s a pretty good song for something that’s a little more happier even Aimer sounds better as well!  Good for the first A-side.

2. Sabishikute Nemurenai Yoru wa

The other A-side, Sabishikute Nemurenai Yoru wa made things even more light be really being only Aimer and piano at the beginning of the song.  I really don’t know why but her voice has a slight YUI-tinge to it that I can’t deny.  After a while more instruments are included and then it kind of turns into “Re:pray” 2.  I still prefer the previous song though since it felt brighter and the chorus really stood out!

3. Poker Face

I mean the last cover Aimer did was of a children’s tune and now she’s switching it up by covering Lady Gaga’s most recognizable tune (that could be argued, I know…).  Aimer’s version is more piano-based and a little more jazzy but it’s just unusual to take the song that way.  Add in the fact that Aimer’s vocals are just a gamble in this song.  Some parts she sounds really nice but other parts show her Engrish and the awkwardness through the lyrics don’t fit the style much either.  It’s just a little humorous of a cover…I mean bongo drums and some weird keyboard sound?  WEIRD.



It’s pretty hard to decide if this single was better than her debut single but then again it’s hard deciding things.  Re:pray was the best here so that’s pretty good for the leading song.  Sabishikute Nemurenai Yoru wa kind of runs on the same stuff like her other original songs which is kind of bad if that’s going to be her shtick in her career (meaning she needs to change it up from piano/strings ballads).  I will say that Poker Face is a MUCH better cover than “TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR”…so all in all, I guess this single did better in the long run.


Replugging the FB again…think of it as a Christmas post >.<

Filed under: ~Announcements~ — solarblade @ 10:48 am

So, I cleaned out my blogroll for the people that view the site since over half of the links haven’t been updated for a long time or don’t exist anymore!  So first off, if you have a blog that isn’t on the side leave a comment below and I’ll gladly add it.

I might not be always the best blogger but I feel like I complete something when I do review something and it’s great to see people commenting (positive and negative) and the people that have extra information for the release I’m reviewing so I’m happy to have that considering the amount of reviews I’ve done (and will continue to do!). 

Also a shoutout to the bloggers and friends I’ve made through this site and other places I met most people.  Even moreso the group of people that were blogging around the time from 2007-2009.  Those people have my respect and I thank you guys for really giving your time to review such awesome/not-so-awesome things.  So that said most of the blogs that I remember, Selly’s, Efanz’, Lex’s, and Meg/Tsuki’s blogs have helped a lot and they’ve been great friends too.

Also!  I can’t forget the bloggers of recent times, it’s great to see new blood appear and see new directions of songs not rarely seen otherwise.  It’s even much more of an honor when I see then give props to the older blogs as well showing a kind of support.  Especially love you guys that mention me as one of the first blogs you follow for J-pop reviews!

I didn’t even think I’d last this long in the field, but J-pop/K-pop has literally embedded into my skin and there’s no way I’ll be tired of it! 

What I hope is for a bigger resurgance of bloggers in 2012!  And maybe we’ll see some old bloggers return (I see some returning) but more is better right?!? LET’S GET IT




Crystal Kay – Superman

Filed under: Crystal Kay — solarblade @ 3:59 am

Track Listing

  1. Superman
  2. Love Road
  3. Superman -Piano ver.-
  4. Superman (Instrumental)
  5. Love Road (Instrumental)

1. Superman

As a sparkly little synthy R&B tune, Superman kind of brings back a somewhat interesting track from Kuri.  It does kind of have the typical beats and stuff but the synths kind of make the song a little easier to take in.  Kuri also sounds pretty nice singing the song and her voice sounds great in the chorus to be honest.  The filtered part is a little unusualy in the song’s context but it’s good otherwise and a solid A-side.

2. Love Road

The B-side on the single is a bit disappointing for me since it’s just a simple R&B ballad with the importance laid upon the piano.  It’s pretty bland all over and just doesn’t really do much for her besides the fact that her voice is much more pleasant here than in “Superman”.  It’s just kind boring and if this is a “love road” then it sure is flat…

3. Superman -Piano ver.-

I’m surprised that she included a transformed Superman as the third song.  It’s quite basic like “Love Road” but at least this sounds rather good and Kuri sounds so much stronger resinging as well!  It just sounds so much personal and powerful this way.  I like this much more than the original take.



I wouldn’t have guessed that Kuri would jump labels to UNIVERAL JAPAN (then again the multitude of best-ofs she’s released recently should have alluded it to that direction but w/e).  Superman to me is kind of unusually weak of a release especially for an artist at her longevity.  Superman is alright but the piano version is the preferred version for me since her emotions come off a lot stronger there than on the original’s more synthy take but I like em both.  Love Road though was just too plain and white and I forgot how it goes already XD.  It’s just pure B-side material.  Hopefully her next single will be a jump up after this one.