Kurayami Monogatari

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Ami Suzuki – Reincarnation February 25, 2009

Filed under: Ami Suzuki — solarblade @ 7:20 pm
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Track Listing

  1. Reincarnation
  2. Dub-I-Dub
  3. Reincarnation -Extended Version-
  4. Reincarnation -Instrumental-

1. Reincarnation

Ami keeps rolling out the hits and Reincarnation is definitly something different.  She’s not with Nakata anymore which is a little sad to see, but she also ended up with Taku.  Even more interesting is that Emi Hinouchi wrote the lyrics.  Ami really sound good during the quiet vocal parts, but when the chorus comes out, she is yelling.  Luckily, this isn’t the yelling from “climb up to the top” so it’s not that bsd.  Still, I love the dance beats to this one.

2. Dub-I-Dub

Yea, it’s a cover of a Me & My track, even fueled by DDR.  Now it’s a fully English tune so I was so worried about it and well, Ami being under heavy vocoder doesn’t exactly help it either.  Ami doesn’t have a good grasp at the language and adding the vocoder was a bad idea.  The music isn’t too bad, but Ami is really bad singing English here.

3. Reincarnation -Extended Version-

Of course what do you expect?  It’s a longer version of the A-side.  The opening of the track is different and the instrumental parts are more focused this time around.  Adding about 2 more minutes to the song it’s still the cool A-side we’ve come to known, so it’s basically there for those ravers.



Ami’s 1st single for a new era brings a change to her Nakata stuff for sure.  Reincarnation is a great way deviate away from him because it still has a great dance beat and it’s catchy.  Dub-I-Dub, however was just a little meh and for being a cover of a DDR song, I wasn’t expecting much from it, especially if it’s in English.  “ONE” and “can’t stop the DISCO” were better singles IMO


abingdon boys school – STRENGTH.

Filed under: abingdon boys school — solarblade @ 11:18 am
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Track Listing

  2. Freedom


It’s finally becoming true fact that anything abingdon boys school rips out is gold and STRENGTH. is definitly representing that theory very well.  STRENGTH. has that dark feeling that their first two single A-sides had and included piano which made it more epic.  Takanori as usual has continued to surprise me in this group because of how his voice fits in the rock mode.  Amazing.

2. Freedom

I’m surprised “JAP” didn’t take its place on the single, so we got a new track instead.  Just like previous B-sides, Freedom is sung entirely in English, but I’m having a harder time understanding his accent because of how fast and up and down Takanori is going through the notes.  Luckily, this beats out “Desert Rose” by a long shot.



I knew why they took a small hiatus after “BLADE CHORD” and that was primarily because Takanori wanted to release a single under the T.M.Revolution moniker and the wait for this single was very unbearable.  They didn’t disappoint with this release for sure.  It’s up there next to “Nephilim” right now.



Filed under: Sowelu — solarblade @ 4:48 am
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Track Listing

  2. Time After Time
  4. MATERIAL WORLD -instrumental-


I cannot stress how much this song rawks!  Not only is it a step out of her zone, it’s a Taku produced single which automatically makes it well worth the listen.  Anyways the single version is a bit longer than the one found on the PV, practically almost 2 minutes longer and thank god.  The extra verse and chorus just made it so much better, but the transition to the slow piano part is worse here in my opinion because it just happens.  It’s hard to believe she did have to go to Taku to get such a powerful and rockin’ track.

2. Time After Time

It’s surprising, because Cyndi Lauper has some really good songs and Time After Time is one of her biggest songs in her career and having Sowelu cover it is a big thing.  Unlike the original which was a heartfelt ballad song, Sowelu’s is a more dance-friendly version.  I do think Cyndi’s version is still better because it was an emotional song and Sowelu’s lack of emotional connection does hinder it a bit, but it’s alright.


Anyways the remix of MATERIAL WORLD is more hardcore as a rock song.  It switches the importance between synths and rock band stuff and honestly this is definitly something I wouldn’t imagine encountering in her discography.  It does sound complete and cool, but it doesn’t come close to touching the original.



I think this is definitly a single that could make her stand out.  MATERIAL WORLD is just trance heaven and makes me happy.  The edit was a cool change of sounds and even though it’s not perfect it makes a good counterpart.  Time After Time was known beforehand and actually did fit on the single, who knew?  Still I’m shocked at this.